1-2 policy/management questions pertinent to this week’s reading, that should be considered by organizational PIOs when preparing response messaging plans.

The potential for media misrepresentation of one’s words or offered positions, intentionally (sensationalism) and unintentionally (error or mis-attribution)
At least two aspects of communication that are critical when dealing with the public in disaster response scenarios. Consider their importance from the perspective of the Incident Commander (IC).

1-2 policy/management questions pertinent to this week’s reading, that should be considered by organizational PIOs when preparing response messaging plans.
You must utilize supporting sources in your response, and cite and reference using the most recent APA edition format.

In this week’s discussion, we have looked at the role the media plays during a disaster or event. The media can be a friend or a foe depending on how the officials have prepared themselves and the media. Have the local officials engaged the media and established relationships prior to an incident taking place? Have the local officials accounted for and considered the needs of the local and national media prior to the event? How do the local officials “use” the media to educate the public prior to an event? The media can be a powerful ally or a formidable foe depending on how the local officials have engaged and interacted with the media.**

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