Create a Classroom Management Plan to outline your specific plans for your classroom to create an environment in which students can learn and teachers can teach. See Appendix for details and rubric.

Project 2: Create a Classroom Management Plan to outline your specific plans for your classroom to create an environment in which students can learn and teachers can teach. See Appendix for details and rubric. The 8 parts of this project are incorporated into Units 1 – 7. (320 points) Specific Format for each topic: Write bulleted questions in bold print. Each bullet point indicates a new paragraph. Write the rest of the paragraph in regular print. Include:
Chapters 9 & 11 (Charles text) from the textbook Charles, C. M. and Cole, K. M. (2019). Building classroom management: Methods and models (12th ed.).
Christian worldview: Titus 3:3-8; Hebrews 12:5-13; Titus 3:3-8; Micah 7:18 Topic 5. What I Will Do Proactively to Prevent or Reduce Misbehavior (minimum 125 – 250 words per bullet point) • What steps will I take to prevent or limit the known causes of misbehavior that might otherwise influence my classes? • What steps will I take to make learning more enjoyable for my students while reducing factors that produce frustration? • How will I inform my students about class expectations and rules?
• How will I demonstrate appreciation for student efforts and reinforce their positive behaviors?

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