See attached. Assignment 3Assignment 3Based on your own curriculum experience

See attached.
Assignment 3
Assignment 3
Based on your own curriculum experiences and your understanding of the prescribed study material in this module,
using the steps of regression, progression, analysis and synthesis write your own currere personal experience in an
autobiography of no more than 3000 words on curriculum development as an approach and curriculum studies as an
inquiry that you have experienced. Your autobiography must include the following:
(i) A reflection curriculum transformation.
(ii) Reflections on post-structuralism and its relevance as a suitable theory to serve as a framework to base
curriculum transformation on.
(iii) Reflections on the emerging contemporary discourses of Neo-Liberalism, Ubuntu Currere and COVID-19.
(iv) A reflection on the role research played on your curriculum experiences.
Note that your reflections, although personal, should be backed up by relevant citations.

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