a Networking project in my school where all students must interview a business professionals about the industry they work and the global

To do This assignment is a Networking project in my school where all students must interview a business professionals about the industry they work and the global
issues and trends in that industry, and finally come up with interview questions to ask them in order to create a conversation with them and the goal for the conversation. I will attach his LinkedIn page, all you need to do is check his page out, everything about him is on his LinkedIn page and the industry he works. 1: A short information about him 2: Research about global issues and trends in the industry he works (2 global issues and 2 trends) plus sources 3: Research about the company/industry + sources 4: Imagine you are interviewing this man, what would your goals be for this conversation and why would you want to interview someone like him?
5: Based on the research you did regarding the global issues or trends , Formulate 7 powerful interview questions I can ask him regarding the Global issues or trends within the industry he works at. The interview questions must be easy to understand. 6: please write What I can say in the beginning of the interview basically an introduction. And what can I say at the end of the interview, a conclusion. 7: Explain why I should be interested in what he does, and why I should consider pursuing that career path. Give concrete reasons.

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