a new entrant in the energy market on an appropriate price discrimination strategy it can implement to compete against fellow firms in the energy market.

You must advise a new entrant in the energy market on an appropriate price discrimination
strategy it can implement to compete against fellow firms in the energy market. You can focus on
any aspect of the energy market e.g., retail side, wholesale, or any other aspect of the energy
market. Your recommendation should be an original price discrimination strategy that will allow the
firm to perform better than their competitors, not copying what an existing firm in the energy
market does – although you can suggest a strategy that is a modification of a method used by an
existing firm.

Whilst the energy market is your focus, you can introduce theory, evidence or
examples relating to other markets to support your arguments – but the focus should remain on the
energy market. For example, if you find that a firm in industry Z has introduced a strategy that you
believe could be suitable for the energy market, you should focus on how it is suitable for your
entrant firm whilst using the example of industry Z as evidence. Please note you should not
undertake a critical analysis of the firm in industry Z.

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