A visual collage/combination of phrases, images, or other elements that represent your personal Philosophy of Change.

What to submit:
An overview of your personal Philosophy of Change; and
A visual collage/combination of phrases, images, or other elements that represent your personal Philosophy of Change.
Your goal for this assignment is to: Use your problem solving skill to create a personal philosophy of change that you could apply to managing change in your personal and professional life.
Include the following sections:
Reacting to Change.
Framing Change.
Managing Change.
Each section should be 1–2 paragraphs long and must be supported by at least one source of your choice, for a minimum of three sources total. You must also detail why you chose the source and its relevance to the information you have included in your overview.
One way to keep your strategies for problem solving on your mind is to keep reminders around you in daily life. For this step, use your philosophy of change overview to create a visual component you can refer to every day. The ideal format is a final version that could fit on a single framed piece of paper or picture that could be posted somewhere you will see it every day (think office wall, desk at work, the bathroom mirror, or the refrigerator). This component can include inspirational phrases, images, or whatever elements you choose to include to reinforce your philosophy of change.

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