After participating in Workshop Discussion 3, write a 1- to 2-page paper (250 to

After participating in Workshop Discussion 3, write a 1- to 2-page paper (250 to 450 words) using APA or MLA format. Discuss your topic selection process and consider the questions below.
Have you changed your topic? If so, what is your new topic? Why did you choose that new topic?
If you haven’t changed your topic, why not?
Why do you still feel strongly that your topic will work for the assignment?
Add an in-text citation and formatted Works Cited or References page entry for one of the sources you found when researching the library databases. Why did you choose that source and how will it support your project’s objective? [MO3.2]
my orginal topoic was
Should Public Workers Have the Right to Strike?
which is now changed to should all public schools students be required to where uniforms ?

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