After reading the section on European influence on American Early Childhood Education select 2 contributors and describe their contribution and how we were influenced by the contribution.

After reading the section on European influence on American Early Childhood Education select 2 contributors and describe their contribution and how we were influenced by the contribution.
Write a 5×4 essay* with images :
2 paragraphs on each of your selected contributions and how each influenced modern early childhood programs. 1 paragraph on each image you upload explaining the examples used.
*5×4 essay is a minimum of 5 paragraphs with a minimum of 4 sentences in each. 12 font, double spaced, APA format
APA Guidelines.doc
Sample images:
Montessori counting box. Maria Montessori believed that children needed hands on experiences to demonstrate their learning. She provided clear shelves that displayed the work children could engage in.
John Amos Comenius believed that children needed visuals to see the world. He created picture books for children such as the image below. Children learn through their senses. He created active learning environments.

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