an explanation for why organizational size may influence the metrics and tools a company uses in its digital analysis.

This individual assignment has three questions:
Read the Hygieia Brands case study ( Put yourself in the position of a marketing analyst for R/GA. Consider the review of online data analysis tools discussed in class and training from your digital platform partners – Facebook, Google, and Twitter – on the use and power of their online self-service tools. Offer an explanation for why organizational size may influence the metrics and tools a company uses in its digital analysis. (fewer than 300 words)

Use at least two tools demonstrated in class to analyze consumer trends in the dairy products category and develop a recommendation that will allow Hyiegia to reinvigorate the category. Follow the attached detailed instructions (Hygieia Brands Exercise Assignment Detail.pdf Download Hygieia Brands Exercise Assignment Detail.pdf) to complete your analysis.
Start with Google Trends (Links to an external site.) to identify patterns in consumer interest that may be valuable for Hygieia Brands and inform Doyle’s next move.
Use SocialBearing (Links to an external site.) to sample consumer sentiment on Twitter to bring color to color interests.
Offer an explanation for the trend(s) you find. (fewer than 300 words)
In the same document, produce a memorandum addressed to Doyle that clearly presents a recommendation for Hygieia’s next innovation and the data (and data sources) you used to arrive at that recommendation. To ensure your ideas are concise, limit your write-up (excluding any graphs, charts, or screenshots you choose to include in an attached appendix) to a single side of one sheet of paper and write. (limit 500 words)
Required Readings
Hartman, “Hygieia Brands case study (Links to an external site.)” (Links to an external site)
Highly Recommended Reading
In the highly recommended textbook, Digital Marketing Analytics: In Theory and In Practice, Part 3: “The Science of Analytics” takes a long and detailed look at tools the analyst can use at the organizations of all sizes.
Submission Format
Submit the answers to the questions in a WORD or PDF document. Please include your responses in a single document. You should submit only one file. Attached file is the course material you can have a reference.

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