Analyze audience needs and accommodate them in writing.

Paper 2: Job Application Assignment
Description: Students will locate a job posting within their field or major and apply for that position, developing a persuasive résumé and cover letter. Students will also develop a profile that details their professional brand, which will guide future job searches.
Assignment Objectives: This assignment meets the following course outcomes (from the syllabus):
1. Analyze audience needs and accommodate them in writing.
4. Prepare reports, proposals, abstracts, letters, memoranda, electronic communications, and employment résumé and application letter.
Locate a job listing for an entry-level position or internship in your field. In any case, you should only use real qualifications and experiences; do not fabricate materials. There are a number of sites to search. Below a few suggested sites, but you are not required to use one of these. There is a more detailed list in your textbook, on page 261. Given the status of the job market, it is okay to use an older ad (from the fall), if you are having difficulty locating a more recent posting.
The Washington Post Jobs:
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Identify the needs of an employer. Focus on the employer’s key needs and requirements.
Develop a résumé and cover letter. These materials should address how your own work and educational experience match the job posting and fulfills the employers’ needs and requirements.
Résumé- a list of your skills, qualifications, and experience.
Application Letter- A discussion of how those skills, qualification, and experience from the résumé qualify you for the position that you are applying for. Unlike the résumé, this document is tailored to specific employers. It may change with every job you apply for in the future.
Develop a professional brand profile. This document is not intended to go to the employer, but it will guide your job application and future job searches. This document outlines your career goals.
Format Requirements:
Cover Letter or Application Letter – Single spaced with a space between each paragraph, with the proper business letter “heading” information, salutation, and closing. Unlike the résumé, this document can use first-person “I.” The letter will be no longer than one page. See the example on page 428.
The Résumé – Formatting will vary. Choose a format that best highlights your skills and qualities. Format should also help the reader “sort” through your resume. References should be included if the employer requests them. The résumé should be no longer than two pages. See examples on pages 413, 420, 423.
Professional Brand Profile – This document (1-2 pages) discusses your professional brand. Unlike the résumé, this document can use 1st person “I.” Formatting will vary, but this document should contain the following sections:
Summary of Professional Brand- this section will be a longer version of the summary/objective on the résumé
Elevator Pitch- this section is a short oral summary of your credentials that you can outline quickly in meetings and interviews (see p. 404).
Career Goals- outline your career goals and discuss how you will achieve those goals. You can also look at the job market for your profession and discuss how you might navigate these challenges. Consult the Occupational Outlook Handbook
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from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Presenting your brand- discuss the ways that you will present your professional brand, using social media, business cards, etc. (see p. 403-404).
Employer Profile- discuss the kinds of employer(s) you hope to work for someday. Here you could discuss non-profit vs. for-profit companies, if you are willing to relocate, if you want to work in a traditional office setting, etc.
Include in your resume the following:
A link to the original job posting or an attached file of the posting, or attach file with the text of the job posting

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