analyze copyright and trademark issues.

For this report, you are to analyze copyright and trademark issues.
Miami-South University (“MSU”), located in downtown Ft. Lauderdale, is a new member of the Atlantic Coast Conference, competing in “big-time” Division I intercollegiate athletics. You are assistant to the president of the university and two issues have arisen.

First, the university president has directed the university’s Public Relations Office to develop a promotional video to be shown around the country. As part of the video, the public relations office includes clips from exciting college football games between Florida State University and the University of Florida, taped by the assistant public relations manager off of the CBS television broadcasts of the games – the idea being that since Miami-South will be playing these teams, fans can see the quality of play that they can expect. The president, who is a big Kanye West fan, also directs the PR Office to use the song “Stronger” throughout the video.
Second, the university president wishes to make a big splash in the marketing of this athletic program and so he tells you that he will be changing the name of the mascot to the Dolphins – the school will now be known as the “Miami-South Dolphins” on all promotional materials. He wants the school to use the term “Go Fish!” as part of the marketing campaign.

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