Andrews & Burke, “What Does it Mean to Think Historically?”

Scope: Please complete section A (Discussion Responses), B (Identifications, and C (Introductions).
Assigned Reading:
Andrews & Burke, “What Does it Mean to Think Historically?” The Five Cs of Historical Thinking”
James Green, Death in the Haymarket: A Story of Chicago, the First Labor Movement, and the Bombing that Divided Gilded Age America (New York: Anchor Books, 2006), Reviewed by Bradford D. Johnston, Ph.D.
Recommended Textbook Reading: The American Yawp, Chs. 16, 17, & 18
Tip: Be sure to have a clear argument that you defend with relevant evidence (sources). Organize each answer with a logical structure and use clear topic sentences and transitions to help your reader understand the logic of your organization. Edit your answers thoroughly to avoid errors and to improve readability.
A) Discussion Responses: Complete all five prompts and respond in roughly 150-300 words. Please draw upon and cite at least one source from the course, such a lecture or reading. You can provide a brief direct quote, paraphrase a passage, or summarize a key point. You can cite the source by writing author and title in parenthesis after the sentence in which you use it; if a page number is available, please provide it.
A1) Discuss some of the benefits and problems of industrialization, and the ways in which it changed America.
A2) What were some key developments in the American West from roughly 1876 through the 1890s? (You can focus on one aspect, such US-Native American relations, industrialization & the environment, Wild West Shows, etc. This is not to suggest that such topics cannot be intertwined).
A3) Why does Chicago stand as an archetype of the era of industrialization?
A4) Discuss some of the challenges faced by immigrant communities in the North & African American communities in the South from roughly 1876 through the early 20th century?
A5) Discuss one or more reform movements from the time period of roughly 1870 through the early 20th century. (Note: The American Yawp discusses a good number of reformers and movements).
B) Identifications: Identify each term and explain its historical sentence in roughly three or four sentences. Please write the answers in your own words. You can go a bit over the suggested length if you’d like, though I don’t expect you to write long passages.
Great Railroad Strike
Compromise of 1877
Jim Crow
John D. Rockefeller
Vertical Trust:
Horizontal Trust
The Johns Hopkins University
Thomas Edison
Phonographs & Nickelodeons
McCormick Reaper
Haymarket Affair
The People’s Party, aka The Populist Party
The Populist Party Platform, 1892
U.S. Presidential Race of 1896
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Dawes General Allotment Act
Board of Indian Commissioners
Chinese Exclusion Act
Red Cloud’s War
Wild West Shows
Wounded Knee
The Turner Thesis
Ida B. Wells
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, “The Yellow Newspaper”
Primary Source (Tip: See the Harvard Guide to Writing History)
Secondary Source

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