Assignment Peggy McIntosh, an American feminist and anti-racist activist, wrote the essay “ Read Peggy McIntosh’s entire essay, with special attention to McIntosh’s discussion of the 46 effects of white privilege in her daily life.

Assignment Peggy McIntosh, an American feminist and anti-racist activist, wrote the essay “ Read Peggy McIntosh’s entire essay, with special attention to McIntosh’s discussion of the 46 effects of white privilege in her daily life. (This discussion begins on p. 5). Develop an explanation of white privilege by connecting the ideas in McIntosh’s essay with the ideas in the film. Use examples from both the article and the film to illustrate your explanation. (DO NOT PLAGARIZE) (1-2 paragraphs)
Assess the processes by which institutional racism was historically embedded in the U.S. housing market. Explain how homeownership is linked to the increasing wealth gap between white Americans and non-white Americans in your assessment. Use examples from the film to illustrate your conclusions. (DO NOT PLAGARIZE) (1-2 paragraphs)
Summarize the information in the film examining the health-related issues experienced by non-white Americans that differ from white Americans. (DO NOT PLAGARIZE) (1-2 paragraphs)
According to Wise, what is white denial and how prevalent is white denial today? Assess whether white denial is a problem for you. (DO NOT PLAGARIZE) (1-2 paragraphs)
How often have you thought of the concept of whiteness. Critically reflect on why the concept of “White Americans” is often left out of conversations relating to culture.

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