Assignment Title: Essay 1- Argument and RhetoricYour Essay Title: ___________?

Assignment Title: Essay 1- Argument and Rhetoric
Your Essay Title: ___________? Something your own! It definitely won’t be the name of the assignment, though… Rookie mistake. You can do better than that 😉
Format: MLA
Audience: Academic
Length: 1000 word Minimum/1200 word Maximum
Outside Source: None Allowed
For this essay I want you to consider what we’ve discussed about argument and rhetoric so far. Think about what types of argument approaches make for very strong arguments and which ones make for very weak ones. Does this change if the argument is written vs. spoken? Why or why not? Do arguments presented in creative ways, on the internet, or in music, etc. make a difference? I want you to avoid using any specific examples of arguments to further explain your point (just for this essay at least). It’s good practice to be able to talk about arguments and argument tactics in the beginning without getting caught up in examples… It’s a challenge but you can do it! For this first essay no outside sources are allowed at all. I want to know what YOU have to say and I want to see if you can do it with your academic writing voice.
What’s Dr. C looking for in this essay?
I’m mostly checking for a few standards you need to meet that should be carried over from English 1301 (but might need a bit of practice):
Correct File: Document must be an MS Word doc
Formatting: MLA format is required for this document (including an accurate heading)
Word Count: Reach the minimum word count and do not go over the maximum word count (found in prompt)
Formal Academic Voice: No use of personal reference or addressing the audience (personal anecdotes, using words like ‘I’ ‘me’ ‘us’ ‘we’ ‘you’ ‘our’)
Complete: This essay must have a solid introduction, body paragraphs, and a solid conclusion
Thesis Statement: A clear thesis statement (this is one sentence that encompasses the overall purpose of the essay)
Prompt: Essay clearly and fully addresses entire prompt
Sources: Essay uses NO outside sources at all
Organization: Your organization needs to be clear, logical, and smart. Present points that work together and build off of one another. If I can delete the introductory sentence and reorganize your body paragraphs and the essay still makes sense… then the organization is elementary and surface level. Take it deeper.
Original: A specifically deep and unique argument over all (be different- Give me an essay that no one else in class is going to give me!)
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