Assume the role of an educational leader presenting to staff about a recently created position aligned to a selected organization’s mission and intended to improve organizational capacity. (You may select a new organization or one you have been studying).

Assume the role of an educational leader presenting to staff about a recently created position aligned to a selected organization’s mission and intended to improve organizational capacity. (You may select a new organization or one you have been studying).
You will soon be interviewing candidates for this new position within your organization, and interview questions must be carefully developed to ensure effective communication between interviewers and interviewees. You may select a new organization or one you have been studying.
Develop interview questions that focus on each of these three areas:
(a) a candidate’s purpose for applying, (b) ability to develop relationships with others, and (c) knowledge of job responsibilities. These questions should be prepared in a table. In one column, include 12 to 15 questions. In the second column, indicate the type of question (P-purpose, R-relationships, or K-knowledge) and in the third column, justify the rationale for including each question. Include an introductory paragraph to share the position title and outline the job responsibilities.
Length: 1 introductory paragraph with a table of interview questions and a rationale for each question.
References: Include a minimum of 3 scholarly resources.

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