Based on readings in Rising Powers, Global Governance, and Global Ethics and related discussions, choose 1 of the countries or regions from the book into which your company might wish to expand.

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Based on readings in Rising Powers, Global Governance, and Global Ethics and related discussions, choose 1 of the countries or regions from the book into which your company might wish to expand.
Develop a 1- to 2-page table using either Microsoft® Word, Microsoft® PowerPoint®, or Microsoft® Excel that accurately compares your U.S.-based company’s ethics, based on classical ethical theory as well as its ethical stance on privacy, protection of intellectual property, and protection of PII to those within your country of choice. The column headings are “U.S.-based Company” and “Country of Choice.” The row headings are “Classical Ethical Theory,” “Privacy,” “Protection of Intellectual Property,” and “Protection of PII.”
Create a Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation containing 8 to 10 slides for your corporate board of directors, logically depicting at least 3 ethical challenges you might anticipate, along with a policy statement for each. Include research concerning the country’s stance on issues, such as privacy, protection of intellectual property, corruption index, major religions, or indigenous tribal groups, in the speaker notes.
Include supportive graphics and appropriate backgrounds and styles. All references need to adhere to APA guidelines, and images should not be copied unless you obtain author permission or use copyright-free images.

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