Basic Techniques and Fundamental Concepts in Family Therapy Readings: Chapters 2, 3 in Nichols (Family Therapy: Concepts and Methods text)

Basic Techniques and Fundamental Concepts in Family Therapy Readings:
Chapters 2, 3 in Nichols (Family Therapy: Concepts and Methods text)
The Discussion for this week’s post:
1. Identify and discuss the different theories of family therapy
2. Discuss your perception and importance of family therapy
3. Identify the most effective means of initiating therapy
Please look at both Chapters and review the links for the readings regarding the assignment and respond to the questions above accordingly. Your response should reflect assignment directions completely. You should write a thoughtful
response that makes it clear you have read and understood the three questions based on the material provided.
*****You may
also draw upon outside references (e.g., journal articles) as well as professional
and/or personal experiences to make your point. These responses should be no
longer than a few paragraphs. You must also include a reference list.
Please see the attachments for Ch. 2 & 3 book reading, assignment directions and resources, and rubric.

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