Biopsychosocial Assessment: Bipolar and Related Disorders

Wk 5 – Biopsychosocial Assessment: Assess for Bipolar and Related Disorders
As you continue to develop your case conceptualization skills, you will focus on integrating a theoretical perspective into your evaluation of clients. Theoretical perspectives guide us in explaining behavior and determining appropriate treatment interventions.
In this assignment, you will focus on viewing your client through the lens of your chosen theoretical perspective as you complete the biopsychosocial assessment and case conceptualization.
For this assignment, choose and read 1 of the following cases from Ch. 4, “Bipolar and Related Disorders,” of The Clinical Assessment Workbook:
Case 4.1
Case 4.2
Case 4.3
Use the Biopsychosocial Assessment form located on the College of Social Sciences Resources site for the College of Social Sciences Master of Science in Clinical Mental Health Counseling & Mental Health Counseling program.
Conduct a biopsychosocial assessment of the client described in your selected case in the same manner as for the case of Carolyn in Weeks 2 and 3. Consider these instructions:
If there isn’t Mini Mental Status Exam completed, indicate that in the cognitive section of the Mental Status part of the assessment.
Although the case study may not provide in-depth information for all sections of the biopsychosocial assessment, please use the information as provided, and note if there is no information given for a specific area.
Complete a 400-word assessment using the Biopsychosocial Assessment form for your selected case. Use full sentences and appropriate grammar.
Support your assessment with appropriate terminology from the DSM-5.
Include a minimum 125-word case conceptualization that explains the issues, symptoms, and diagnosis framed in a theoretical lens.
Cite the selected case and any other supporting resources used.
Format your citations and reference page according to APA guidelines.
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