Campaigns and Elections and Chapter 6: Interest Groups and Lobbying.

After watching the Justice For Sale documentary and reading through the articles [links provided below] and Chapters about the issues surrounding today’s partisan election of state judges, write an 850-word minimum (or more, if needed) essay responding to the questions below in essay format. Use specific information from the given resources to support your statements.
Answer the following in your essay:
1) List and explain 3 negative aspects of the judges receiving funds for election or reelection.
Read Chapter 9: The Judiciary (beginning on page 307 and titled: “Judicial Politics”. Further, review Chapter 5: Campaigns and Elections and Chapter 6: Interest Groups and Lobbying.
2) Does money have an impact on judicial decisions? How? Provide examples from the readings and resources.
Read Chapter 9: The Judiciary (beginning on page 307 and titled: “Judicial Politics”. Further, review Chapter 5: Campaigns and Elections and Chapter 6: Interest Groups and Lobbying.
3) Does the partisan election system in Texas, as well as in other states, work or should there be an adoption of another judicial selection system? Explain.
Rules on Format:
The assignment must be legibly typed in MLA style on a Microsoft Word document with a total length of 850 words minimum.
Additionally, any sources used, outside of your textbook, lecture and notes, in writing the paper must be documented in the body of the paper and listed on a Works Cited page at the end of the paper. The citations must conform to the Modern Language Association (MLA) style.
MLA Formatting and Style Guide:
850 words minimum essay
The paper should be written using correct grammar and punctuation. (PROOFREAD your work before submission).
Typed with a Times New Roman 12 pt. font and double-spaced and in MLA format.
Assignment will be submitted as a Word document.
Rubric on Grading
The rubric (how your paper will be graded) is to be based on 4 criteria:
Provide 3 negative aspects of judges receiving funds for election/reelection.
Explanation of how money and campaign contributions impact or does not impact judicial decisions.
Explanation of which judicial selection system is suitable: Current election system or Adoption of Alternative
Grammar, spelling, length, and overall meeting requirements of the paper.
Documentary Resource: (2021, April 8). FRONTLINE: Justice for Sale. Vimeo.

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