Capital Structure and Dividend Policy Comparison

Capital Structure and Dividend Policy Comparison
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In this discussion, you will make a total of one post.
Please review the information below that details the requirements for this discussion assignment.
Initial Post:
**Be sure to number your response to each question so that your answer corresponds appropriately with the question being asked.
1. Find a company (A) and a company (B) that have different capital structures, for example, more debt (equity) vs less debt (equity), higher debt ratio vs low debt ratio. For example GM vs Tesla, IBM vs Microsoft, Home Depot vs Lowe’s, etc. Explain why there is a difference between their capital structures.
2. For firms A & B, explain whose capital structure is better and why?
3. Find two companies (C & D) that pay dividends but with a different pattern. Explain why their dividend policy is different.
4. For firm C & D, predict the dividend policy next year and provide your reasoning.
The reasons for the posts need to be specific to your chosen companies, not just the economy.
It needs the facts to support your reasoning at each post. It could be obtained from a webpage, a publication, a recent 10-Q or news by the firms in the industries, stock performance of the firms, net income, ownership, dividend policy of similar firms, etc.
Tips for a successful post:
• Use full sentences.
• Be specific and draw from the information.
• Always use a respectful tone.

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