Categorizing Healthcare Organizations Each group will be assigned one of the 8

Categorizing Healthcare Organizations
Each group will be assigned one of the 8 major subsystems outlined in Figure 1-4. The presentation must highlight healthcare organizations that can be categorized within this subsystem. Please attempt to select organization located in CHICAGO or ILLINOIS. Prepare a Google Slides presentation (10-15 minutes) that includes the following information:
1. Intro slide
-Category name
-Group member names
2. Subsystem category
-General description and key characteristics
-Services provided
3. Organization #1
-Name and Location
– Brief history including year established
-What does this organization do?
-Services provided?
What population does this serve?
4. Organization #2
-*Repeat info above
5. Organization #3
-*Repeat info above
6. Organization #4 & #5
*Repeat info above

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