challenging to punish the perpetrators of serious crimes in the African countries we’ve covered so far—Uganda. 

Write a short response paper addressing why it has been very challenging to punish the perpetrators of serious crimes in the African countries we’ve covered so far—Uganda.  You can focus on any one or more of the assignments we’ve covered so far.  Remember to use a minimum of three citations and in the proper format.  When you refer to a book for the first time it should be.

(Author, Title, page number)  If you refer to the same title again in the same paper, from then on, use (Author, page number). No need to mention the book’s title again.  When you refer to a film for the first time it should be.  (Director, Film, Minute and second from film)  If you refer to the same film again in the same paper, thereafter, it should be (Director, Minute and second from film) — No need to mention the name of the film again.  Remember to include a cover letter.  Sample beginning:  Punishing the perpetrators of serious crimes in Uganda during the conflict between the government army and the Lord’s Resistance army has been a major challenge because the International Criminal Court (ICC) decided to investigate and punish only the crimes committed by the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA).

While it is true that the LRA, led by Joseph Kony, carried out brutal attacks against civilians, the Ugandan government soldiers actually committed far much heinous crimes against the civilian population, Butler “A Brilliant Genocide,” (2016). The only reason why the ICC did not prosecute soldiers and officers of the Ugandan army was because it wanted the cooperation of the government in its pursuit of the indicted commanders of the LRA, including Dominic Ongwen.  In addition to raping women, Ugandan soldiers raped men as well in order to spread Hiv/Aids. (Here you can cite one of the victims of the crimes or Olara Otunnu if you wanted]. [This is just a same beginning; you can go on to then use citations for your paper. After you make the first citation you continue with your narrative and then use a second citation; you must have at least three. This sample beginning can guide you in coming up with your own for whichever assignment or assignments you decide to focus on].
Use only what I provide, please.

Why the ICC Won’t Prosecute Museveni
Why is Museveni Allowing Dominic Ongwen to be Sent to the ICC?

How to write a good paper
1. Every sentence should have a connection to the one
2. There’s a 3 citation minimum
3. If it’s a book, title (author, year, page number)
4. Film: title (director, year, time of quoting) 5. Paper should be no more than 2 pages.
6. List down the most important parts of the research, start
with 15points, and narrow it down to 5. 7. Answer correctly what’s being ask.
8. Write an outline
9. Grammatical errors must be eliminated 10. Being critical about opinions feedback
11. Double spaced
12. APA style

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