Chang, V., Scott, S., & Decker, C. (2018). Developing Helping Skills: A Step-by-Step Approach to Competency. Boston: Cengage-Brooks/Cole, 3rd Edition. ISBN: ISBN 978- 1305943261.

Chang, V., Scott, S., & Decker, C. (2018). Developing Helping Skills: A Step-by-Step Approach to Competency. Boston: Cengage-Brooks/Cole, 3rd Edition. ISBN: ISBN 978- 1305943261.
Homework Exercise 8.7 Expressing Empathy
Think of a time when you felt that another person really understood you.
– How did he or she convey this to you?
– In what ways did he or she let you know that he or she grasped where you were coming from?
– Challenge yourself to think of how you would be empathic to someone who has very different values and beliefs from yours.
– Write a sentence that conveys understanding another person’s position even though you don’t agree with that person’s position.’

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