Chapter 7 assignment rubric

After reading Chapter 7, complete exercise “1” at the end of Section 7.4:
Select an article from a website, book, newspaper, magazine, or journal.
Titles of magazines, journals, newspapers, and books are in italics. Titles of articles are not in italics. They belong in quotation marks.
You will write your response in the form of a Block Letter to the author and submit it.
In the letter, you must include the title of the writing, the author, and where published.
Imagine that you are delivering an evaluation to the author of the piece. Using the strategies in this section, write a tactful and diplomatic critique.
Please note that the instructions in the textbook say the instructor may make this a class exercise, for our class, this will not be a class exercise.
Chapter 7 Assignment Rubric
Chapter 7 Assignment Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvaluation document
The student has chosen a book, website, magazine, journal or newspaper article to evaluate.
5 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUse of evaluation strategies
The student diplomatically critiques the book, newspaper article, website, journal or magazine article. This means the critique is objective and the student aims to evaluate the content and/or writing style of the piece.
The strategies outlined for this exercise are as follows: content, organization, style, and readability.
8 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat, grammar, and style
The student writes the evaluation To The Author of the article as the prompt instructs. The student uses block letter format. There are minimal grammatical and stylistic errors. The document is organized using paragraph form.
5 pts

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