Choose an exceptionality you may encounter in a child at the grade level or in the subject you plan to teach

Choose an exceptionality you may encounter in a child at the grade level or in the subject you plan to teach. For example, exceptionalities may include: intellectual disability, learning disability, ADHD, speech/language impairment, emotional/behavioral disorder, autism spectrum disorder, sensory impairment, visual disability, deaf or hard of hearing, physical/mobility, etc. Then from the following website, choose a video to watch or article to read that addresses the exceptionality you chose to focus on or exceptionalities in the classroom/school in general that you could apply to the exceptionality you chose:
After that, from your reading of Chapter 12 and your viewing/reading of the Edutopia resource, list three accommodations or modifications along with examples that will assist the student in their learning, 3 points.
Cite your sources in your post, 2 points.

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