climate feedback

Watch chapter 7 lecture using the link above
2. read the pdf lecture note on climate feedback
You are expected to submit a summary of a current climate / environmental-related article from the mainstream press, along with your personal evaluation / reflection. Using a recent news article from a reliable source, please feel encouraged to explore topics that include extreme weather (e.g. winter storms, drought), climate change, energy (e.g. decreases in crude oil price, fracking, coal mining, nuclear power plants, alternative energy, etc), adaptation of animal behavior to recent climate change (including mammals, insects, fish, etc), policy related topics (international climate change conferences), and more. Due by April 5th.
Guidelines of this assignment are:
Article summary: Your own summary – do not copy from an original source (1 page).
Reflection: Your own discussion about the topic(s) of the article. Please apply your knowledge from this course and incorporate it into your discussion (1 page)
Font type and size: Times New Roman/Times, 12-point size, double spaced
Data (optional): include source data
Figures and Tables (optional): include source data
List of reference(s)
You are expected to submit a summary of a current climate / environmental-related article from the mainstream press, along with your personal evaluation / reflection. Using a recent news article from a reliable source, please feel encouraged to explore topics that include extreme weather (e.g. winter storms, drought), climate change, energy (e.g. decreases in crude oil price, fracking, coal mining, nuclear power plants, alternative energy, etc), adaptation of animal behavior to recent climate change (including mammals, insects, fish, etc), policy related topics (international climate change conferences), and more. Due by April 2nd.
Guidelines of this assignment are:
Article summary: Your own summary – do not copy from an original source (1 page).
Reflection: Your own discussion about the topic(s) of the article. Please apply your knowledge from this course and incorporate it into your discussion (1 page)
Maximum pages: 2
Font type and size: Times New Roman/Times, 12-point size, double spaced
Data (optional): include source data
Figures and Tables (optional): include source data
List of 4 reference(s)
2 references to the course materials
at least 600 words

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