compare and contrast how this non-simultaneous simultaneity is achieved in each novel and by what means. In other words: how is it shown?

Each of the two novels that we have read represent how within imperial ventures historically different times are often found in collision. This is what could be called as “the non-synchronicity of the synchronous” (Ungleichzeitigkeit). This term, which in German is one word and can also be rendered as “the non-simultaneity of the simultaneous,” denotes how we can be in the same present while living in different temporalities. Here is Ernst Bloch explanation of this concept:

“Not all people exist in the same Now. They do so only externally, by virtue of the fact that they may all be seen today. But that does not mean that they are living at the same time with others.”
Both J. M. Coetzee’s Waiting for the Barbarians and Leo Tolstoy’s Hadji Murat offer contrasting examples of the tragic collision of non-simultaneous worlds. Write an essay in which you compare and contrast how this non-simultaneous simultaneity is achieved in each novel and by what means. In other words: how is it shown?
FORMAT: 5-page double-spaced Times New Roman, point 12, Chicago Style:

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