Compare the 10 Commandments of Judaism and especially Jewish ethics as first taught by the ancient prophets (1).

One Paragraph Each
Many of the prophets of Israel decried corrupt business practices and wealth that led to increased poverty and neglect. Compare the 10 Commandments of Judaism and especially Jewish ethics as first taught by the ancient prophets (1).

Summarize what the prophets of Israel had to say about corrupt business practices and wealth. Is this critique still applicable to the world of business today?
Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts. Responses should be substantive, provide additional context, and provide evidence (cite source) to support ideas. Dialogue should be meaningful, constructive, and respectful.
Robert E. Van Voorst. 2020. World RELG: Introduction to World Religions. p. 243.
In the discussion, respond to the following. Be sure to respond to all parts of this question in order to earn full credit.
Review the article, Effective Marketing Tool for the Marketing Professionals in Healthcare Organization: The 4 ‘S’ Model. Are there any elements from this article you believe you will implement in your own marketing plan in next week’s assignment? Why or why not? Please be sure to include reference.

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