compile a bibliography that encompasses the broad topic for all of your research projects this semester.

30-40 source Bibliography
Description: You are to compile a bibliography that encompasses the
broad topic for all of your research projects this semester. The bibliography
must be a minimum of 30-40 sources, including the sources that you directly use
and list in your Works Cited and References pages for the research essays. Your
bibliography must include at least fifteen (15) scholarly articles from academic
journals, eight to ten (8-10) magazine or news articles, three to five (3-5) book-length
work, the primary source (work of art) for your Humanities Literary Analysis
research essay, no more than two (2) web sites, and no more than two (2)
multi-media sources.

The remaining sources, if any, can be shorter articles,
magazine articles, or any alternative.
Rhetorical Purpose: Your purpose is to use MLA, CSE, or APA
documentation format to compile a list of at least thirty (30) sources that
shows you have adequately researched your topic. The list should demonstrate a
variety of sources that are reliable, credible, timely, and beneficial to your
research. You are demonstrating why a particular topic of your choosing spanning
the Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Social Sciences makes a good topic for a
research paper. You are also showing that you have conducted the research to
find enough secondary sources to write a longer research essay on the topic. If
you cannot find enough sources, you must choose a different, more acceptable
Audience: Your audience is your professor and the class, but envision
a readership who has some knowledge of the subject area you are pursuing. In
other words, think of the people reading your bibliography as the writers of
the sources you are including in your bibliography. You are grouping yourself
with them as people both personally interested in, and intellectually curious
about, a common topic. Goals: To help you compose a focused, well-written proposal; to help
you construct a working bibliography that contains a variety of useful sources
for your research; to help you understand the difference between scholarly and
non-scholarly sources; to help you understand the differences between primary
and secondary sources; to help you understand the importance of following
standard conventions of documenting your sources and providing information for
your readers; to help you determine which sources are most useful to you for
your project.
Format: Your bibliography must have a title corresponding to your
specific topic, and a four-line heading. The entire document must include page numbers and 1” margins. The bibliography must conform accurately to all
format requirements of the documentation style you choose (MLA, CSE, or APA).

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