• Conduct some research and compile a list of five significant blogs that would be interested in receiving postings and other information from the manufacturer.

• Blogs are an important part of the media landscape. They are often produced by influencers, companies — both for-profit and non-profit — as a means to connect with important audiences outside of mainstream and social media.
• Your client makes moderately priced bicycles used for leisure and weekend activities. The company doesn’t have a large advertising budget, but it thinks publicity (and sales could be generated through blogs devoted to leisure bike riding.

• Conduct some research and compile a list of five significant blogs that would be interested in receiving postings and other information from the manufacturer.
• Make sure to include the following:
• Name of blog
• Editor/Lead Writer
• Web Address/link
• Descriiption of the blog
• What type of content
• Location-national, local presence
• Background
• Social media presence, links
• Why you think this outlet is important to the client
• Due to professor on Wednesday, March 19 at 11:59 pm.

• Block format is recommended. Use resources. Cite resources in body of text.
• Bibliography
• MLA or APA

Do not give me one sentence answers. This is to be a comprehensive research piece and a recommendation to your client/company. Make sure you are thorough in the material you
Think of this as a presentation to your boss, the CMO, etc.

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