Consider how covenant is used as it relates to God and Israel, God and mankind beyond Israel and as an overarching connection of relationship

Each student is required to write a research paper on the topic of Covenant in the Old Testament. The paper should have a thesis statement that expresses what you find covenant to be in the OT Scriptures. Consider how covenant is used as it relates to God and Israel, God and mankind beyond Israel and as an overarching connection of relationship. The following is required:
This paper will be done in APA or MLA format documenting all sources used.

Specific requirements for the paper can be found in the syllabus under “Research Report Guidelines” and “Online Assignment Guidelines”
A grading rubric
Download grading rubric
is available to show the length and source requirements and outlining each grading value.
Covenant Research Paper Grading Rubric
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
100 pts
Content: Addresses topic appropriately. This is a research paper that you are writing on Covenant. Include at a minimum the ideas listed in this rubric. Additional ideas and results of your research are expected. Your paper will be 5-7 pages in length. Thesis Statement – Present a thesis statement in bold (content reflects the defined thesis of the paper).
0 pts
No Marks
100 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
15 pts
Mechanics: Conformity to style manual, appropriate citation. You will write your paper in formal research style using the MLA style manual. Cover sheet; include a Title, your name, instructor name, course number and date. One-inch margins 12-point type; Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri are preferred fonts. Appropriate documentation of quotes and ideas from sources
0 pts
No Marks
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
15 pts
Sources: content and quality of resources • This paper should include a minimum of five sources in addition to the Bible); of these sources, only three can be from credible internet sites, (websites). Library periodical and journal sources obtained through the web do not count against the internet sources. • “Works Cited” page including all materials referenced in the paper • Sources should represent scholarly work on the topic, (no Christian magazine articles or Wikipedia).
0 pts
No Marks
15 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
Grammar, spelling, sentence and paragraph structure
10 pts
Grammar, spelling, sentence and paragraph structure
0 pts
No Marks

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