consider Simone de Beauvoir’s statement: “One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman” – given the historical evidence of the past 120 years, to what extent do you think that is true?

• Using specific examples from the course, evaluate the changing status of women in the western world since 1900. Include examples from at least four countries from Europe and North America and include the readings for the fifth week. In your concluding page (at least 350 words), consider Simone de Beauvoir’s statement: “One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman” – given the historical evidence of the past 120 years, to what extent do you think that is true?
The content of your assignment answer can draw on any and all sources we use in the course. If you summarize or directly quote from any source, you should cite it using MLA format.
Rubric for the assignment
• Writing is grammatically correct and meaning is clear; meets minimum length; citations follow MLA format (5 points)
• Historical examples are used effectively to illustrate and support main points; come from at least four countries from Europe and North America; and include the entire range of the 20th century, not just the first fifty years (5 points)
• Illustrates understanding of the complexities of women’s history, the variety of experiences depending on geographical location, social class, culture, and their combined impact on gender (5 points)
• Concluding exploration of Simone de Beauvoir’s statement is well supported by historical evidence and meets minimum length of 350 words (5 points)

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