contribution to fiction, look at one of their works, and any success posthumously if the author is deceased

In a 3-5 page paper, you are to look at a short story authoroutside of our syllabus. Focus on their background and personal life, their contribution to fiction, look at one of their works, and any success posthumously if the author is deceased. For example, Ernest Hemingway was born in Oak Park, Illinois in 1898. He began his writing career as a reporter for the Kansas City Star. He was an ambulance driver in WWI, and involved in reporting about several conflicts.

He was a member of the “Lost Generation” of American authors living in Europe post WWI. He wrote several novels and short story collections. In 1954, he won the Nobel Prize in Literature. At the age of 63, Hemingway died from a self-inflicted shotgun wound in 1961. Despite being worried about living up to his own image, he was considered one of the greatest authors of the 20th Century. On a lighter side of things, he claims to be responsible for the daiquiri. (Be sure to cite this kind of information)
Paper due: Saturday, June 25th

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