Count toward the minimum page requirement listed.

For this assignment, you will use
this information to look more critically at a prison program in your state.
If you are currently abroad, you may pick a program
there or you may choose a state in the United States that sparks your interest.
In this assignment, include the items listed below.
Find a reentry program local to you.
Discuss what the program does, who it serves, what the success rate is, and any other program details.
Discuss any drawbacks to the program.
Outline difficulties that many inmates face upon release in spite of programs such as the one in your state.
Explain how public opinion causes some of the strain that offenders face for housing and employment.
Include your thoughts on assistance for housing, jobs, education, etc.
This assignment must be at least two pages in length. You must include a cover page and reference page which do not
count toward the minimum page requirement listed. You must include one other source besides the textbook from an
academic source. The Waldorf Online Library provides many academic source options. Adhere to APA Style when
constructing this assignment, including a title page, and in-text citations and references for all sources that are used.

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