COVID-19 pandemic, they have been more needed than ever.

Recommendation Report
Instructions: We have some
wonderful non-profit charitable organizations that offer much-needed help to
the community. Nationally, there are people stepping up to do the right
thing. During this COVID-19 pandemic,
they have been more needed than ever.

Not just people, but animals are also
suffering during this time. Shelters
have had to lay off employees and donations are down. Here is a partial list of “helping hands.”
United Way
Samaritan’s Purse
Habitat for Humanity
The Humane Society of the United
Doctors Without Borders
The American Red Cross
The paper should examine the history of the organization,
specific examples of what “good” has been done and what they would like to
accomplish in the future. Imagine that
you have been authorized by SCC to bestow a grant of $25,000. In your report, you must decide how that
money should be used, based on your research. There will be a sample report to
The paper needs to have a minimum of 3 sources.Usually,
the organization’s website will give you some information. In addition to that, there are often
newspaper/magazine articles that feature recent actions by these organizations.
One of these sources can be a personal interview (via the phone or email) with
a director, worker, or volunteer of the organization. It could also be with a recipient of the
organization’s services. Please choose
an organization that is either nationally or internationally recognized.
It should be double-spaced, 12 point font and make use of
the MLA or APA style of documentation. There
must be either a “Works Cited” page or “References” page at the end. We will be
doing some exercises with that in the future.The recommendation report should
be a minimum of 4 pages text . This report is due on Moodle by 11:59 pm on
Sunday, June 26th.

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