Create a realistic scenario based on an ethical dilemma a Social Worker may experience and explain how you, in the role of the Social Worker would resolve this ethical dilemma.

The NASW Code of Ethics is a set of guiding principles to assist Social Workers in making decisions focused on the best interests of their clients. Sometimes these principles may contradict what we might do in our personal lives and these decisions can be difficult. These conflicts are called ethical dilemmas and they occur when a certain situation calls for the Social Worker to prioritize one ethical principle over another or if a Social Worker’s personal values come into conflict with the practices outlined by the social work profession.
Please choose ONE Ethical Standard as listed in the NASW Code of Ethics.
Create a realistic scenario based on an ethical dilemma a Social Worker may experience and explain how you, in the role of the Social Worker would resolve this ethical dilemma.
The paper should be approx. one page and include high-quality writing. Please include a title page and double-check all spelling and grammar prior to submitting. Also, please make sure to cite all relevant information and include references as appropriate.

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