critical reflection to an Early Childhood Education and Care context has been presented with depth and clarity. (written in third person)

Importance of Critical Reflection (Approx 400 words):discussion that
identifies the importance and application of critical reflection to an Early Childhood Education and Care context has
been presented with depth and clarity. (written in third person)
Area of Professional Strength and Professional Goal One (Approx 800 words)
Review the documentation that you have collected whilst on placement. Look for patterns in the documentation and choose three pieces of documentation/artefacts that you believe showcase an area of your own professional strength and discuss how and why. You will also need to draw from scholarly literature and discuss the significance of your professional strength in relation to the Early Childhood Education and Care Context.
upon your area of strength you will develop a goal that you would like to
continue to strengthen upon for future practicums. You will then connect this
goal to the EYLF/or VEYLDF (choose one practice or principle), NQS (one
standard and element) and lastly the AITSL standards (One domain, One Standard
and One Focus Area). *remember that your goal should be presented in your own
words (Written in first person)
Area for Further Improvement and Professional Goal Two (Approx 800 words)
Review the documentation that you have collected whilst on placement. Look for patterns in the documentation and choose three pieces of documentation/artefacts that you believe best support an area in which you would benefit from further improvement and discuss how and why. You will also need to draw from scholarly literature and discuss the significance of your area for improvement in relation to the Early Childhood Education and Care Context.
upon your area of improvement you will develop a goal that you would like to
continue to work towards for future practicums. You will then connect this goal
to the EYLF/or VEYLDF (choose one practice or principle), NQS (one standard and
one element) and lastly the AITSL standards (One domain, One Standard and One
Focus Area). *remember that your goal should be presented in your own words. (Written in first person)
Reference List (Not included in your word count)
Here you
need to list all 8 sources of literature: 5 scholarly sources, in addition to
Appendices (Not included in your word count)
6 pieces
of documentation/placement artefacts
Ive attached my placement work that can be used to reflect on
Please only use following references:
– Nolan, A. (2011). Theories into practice : Understanding and rethinking our work with young children and the eylf. Essential Resources Educational Publishers Ltd..
-Arthur, L., Beecher, B., & Death, E. (2020). Programming and planning in early childhood settings. Cengage.
-McLachlan, C., Fleer, M., & Edwards, S. (2018). Early Childhood Curriculum: Planning, Assessment and Implementation (3rd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
-Boyd, W., Green, N., & Jovanovic, J. (2021). Learning and Teaching in Early Childhood: Pedagogies of Inquiry and Relationships. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
-Porter, L. (2016). Young children’s behaviour : Guidance approaches for early childhood educators. Taylor & Francis Group.

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