critically reflect your understanding of the “Keto Diet”.

The main purpose of this RP is to critically reflect your
understanding of the “Keto Diet”. This RP must have 6 pages,
including cover page and references, and be presented on APA format. The
maximum similarity allowed with other publications is no more than 20%.

Students will critically evaluate the existing publications
related to this RP topic. This assignment is planned to help you review,
understand, and apply different concepts related to ”Keto Diet” concepts,
as well as to become familiar with the new trends related to ”Keto Diet” .
You need to read two different articles related to the topic
that can be found at the Library database LIRN. In preparing the RP, you are
also allowed to use two web references, although all the publications and
references used should be properly cited and included in the reference section
following the APA format guidelines.
This RP must include:
1.Introduction: provide a brief synopsis of the subjects
under discussion: Keto Diet.
2.Definition of concepts related to these subjects: for
example How the body physiology is
affected? Clinical uses,
3.Conclusions and recommendations. You must express
your own opinion on the benefit and site effects of Keto Diet.
The Research Paper must have at least 6 pages including front
and references. Do not COPY & PASTE. Maximum similarity allowed
20 %. From 20 to 40 % the grade will be prorated. More than 41 % the
grade earned will be Zero (0). If you decide not submit the Research paper,
your grade for this task will be 0.
This RP will represent 15% of your final grade.

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