Current process observed in a residential construction case study is that only an excel file is used in the monitoring of PPVC modules in 3 stages, Casting, Delivery, and Installation. An Engineer will update this excel file at the end of the day.

I have included the current dissertation introduction and literature review in the attachment
To include a short chapter introduction of 1-2 paragraphs like the Literature Review chapter.
Current process observed in a residential construction case study is that only an excel file is used in the monitoring of PPVC modules in 3 stages, Casting, Delivery, and Installation. An Engineer will update this excel file at the end of the day.

The proposed solution is to introduce cloud computing with RFID tracking for the PPVC modules. Other engineers and stakeholders will be able to access the information remotely and receive up-to-date updates about the project progress.
Reference style is IEEE. Include sources, figures and tables when necessary.

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