Curriculum and Differentiation (Links to an external site.).

I have attached the Chapter 3 information along with my plan.
Creating General Content Objectives
For this discussion you will examine how to create learning objectives. More specifically, you will be examining the reason for planning general content objectives for the whole lesson versus specific content objectives for the “Introduction to the Lesson (The Preview Phase)” section on the template.
• Read Writing Choice-Based Learning Objectives (Links to an external site.).
• Read Chapter 3: Curriculum and Differentiation (Links to an external site.).
• Watch the video Creating Learning Objectives (Links to an external site.).
Link for discussion
Using the same Instructional Plan Template Download Instructional Plan Templateyou have been working on so far in this course, write a minimum of three, but no more than fivegeneral content objectives for the instructional plan. List your objectives in the “General Content Objectives for the Lesson” section of the template, making sure to do the following:
• Write the general content objectives for the entire These should be the most critical objectives of the lesson. Do not include here the specific content objectives for the Preview Phase of the instructional plan; these will be created in Week 3. When creating generalobjectives, think about what you want learners to be able to do in the last phase of the lesson.
• Design the general content objectives so that they describe observable learner behavior (e.g., “Learners will…”)
• Design the general content objectives so that they use action verbs.
• Design the general content objectives so that they are
o measurable,
o specific,
o realistic, and
o attainable
• Match the general content objectives to the big idea (i.e., what learners will do to demonstrate they understand the big idea). Be sure to consider prior learner knowledge and learner interest.
Design the general content objectives to include Bloom’s Taxonomy higher-order levels so that learners seek, share, or apply new knowledge and skills.
Once you have updated your Instructional Plan Template draft, save it somewhere safe and then attach it to your initial discussion post. In your post,
• Describe any challenges you experienced while drafting the general content objectives for your instructional plan.
• Explain how you designed the general content objectives to take prior learner knowledge and learner interest into consideration.
• Explain how your general content objectives are designed to have learners seek, share, or apply new knowledge and skills.
Link for discussion

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