cyber-attack occurred in a healthcare organization, resulting in significant data loss.

Consider this scenario: A cyber-attack occurred in a healthcare organization, resulting in significant data loss. You have been called as an information security management consultant to recommend an incident response plan for this incident and will need to present it to the executive board of the healthcare organization.
Develop a 10- to 12-slide multimedia-rich presentation of your recommended incident response plan to mitigate or reduce impact to the organization, and do the following:
Define the incident response plan goal and scope for this cyber-attack.
Analyze the impact and severity of the cyber-attack by applying a business impact analysis (BIA) to the organization, including mission performance, regulatory requirements, and compliance.
Identify the communication requirements, including criteria for escalation and organization reporting and regulatory requirements.
Explain the process for responding to this incident.
Describe the relationship with other organization processes and methods, such as BCP/DR.
Recommend prioritization, resource requirements, and any opportunity created by the event.
Use appropriate images and charts where applicable.
Include a slide with APA-formatted references.

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