Defend the perspective that the first step in the Five-Step Decision-Making Model is the most important.

1a. Defend the perspective that the first
step in the Five-Step Decision-Making Model is the most important.
2b.Under what organizational circumstances would
you choose a job candidate who exhibited creative potential but lacked practiced
creativity experience, over a candidate who had worked in an environment where
opportunities to developed practiced creativity were extensive, but who
exhibited less creative potential? Under what organizational circumstances
would you choose a candidate with obvious practiced creativity skills over
someone with creative potential?
3. In this section, you will analyze the company income statement using information from the textbook as a guide. Be sure to provide an overview of the income statement and address the following: what are the total revenue/sales, costs of goods sold/revenue /sales, operating expenses, net income, etc., for each year. How have these numbers changed over the three years, what could be some reasons why these numbers have changed the way they have, what are the trends, what are the numbers saying about the company’s performance, and what are your recommendations.

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