Define and fully describe the health issue, using the following as APA headings:

Select a health issue to further explore which is related to a priority issue from a national or global organization.
Select only one: a national health issue or global health issue.
If you choose a global issue, it should be narrowed to a country or region in the world. For example, Africa is a continent. There are 5 sub-regions in Africa, and 54 countries
Define and fully describe the health issue, using the following as APA headings:
Importance of the issue, prevalence of issue, why the issue is a health risk in the selected area you choose.
The history of the issue
The impact of the issue on the people of the country/region in which it occurs
Ethical considerations in cause or impact of the issue on the selected region/country
An overview of current efforts to overcome/treat/alter the health issue
At least 3 professional references are required.

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