Define decision fatigue (pg184). Did decision fatigue play a role in this process before and after the leadership change?

**Can only use the movie (link below) and the attached chapter as a resource for this essay**
Essay must use the attached chapter and relate the movie to the attached chapter. Don’t need a big explanation of the movie, just the answers to the questions below in relation to the attached chapter. No other sources are allowed.
Prepare a 4 page response in APA format using your required textbook (attached) and the movie as your resource to the following statement:
When General Frank Savage arrived at the camp to take command, what habits were in place prior to his arrival? Explain the framework he used to make the needed changes. List at least three.
Define decision fatigue (pg184). Did decision fatigue play a role in this process before and after the leadership change?
Resource for Assessment:
Attached chapter is from: Whisenand, P. M., & McCain, E. D. (2015). Supervising police personnel: Strengths-based leadership. Pearson.

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