Define your group in terms of being a task oriented, psycho-educational, counseling, or psychotherapy group.

Scope of Project:
Students will develop a proposal to formulate a group that they would implement and facilitate which will be the first section of the Group Curriculum. The focus of the group proposal must be a psychoeducational group, counseling group, or psychotherapy group as defined in the textbook.
The outline for the group proposal is divided into sections to be completed by deadlines outlined on the course schedule. You will be given feedback for each section. Be sure to make the suggested changes. If you are opposed to the suggested changes, you must have a conversation with your instructor and provide a rationale for your position in regard to the suggested changes.
Include citations throughout your work to support the information and ideas. Be sure to write in paragraph form using APA format for your paper.
Professional Look:
Proposals should be grammatically correct, spell-checked, complete, and neat.
Follow APA guidelines for margins, font, and spacing of your paper.
Be sure to have a Running head on all pages.
If you use headings in your paper, be sure to use p. 62 in the APA 6th edition manual for the levels of headings.
Be sure all pages have page numbers.
You must have an abstract for every section of the group proposal that you turn in except for the weekly session plans.
If there is an abstract section on the rubric, be sure to write an abstract.
Be sure you know the correct formatting for citations and references.
Introduction: Define the purpose and rationale for your group.
What is your interest and where did your inspiration come from?
What need is your group meeting? Do an informal needs assessment to assist with your rationale for your particular group. If you work in a school, ask a few teachers, students, administrators what kind of group is needed in your school. If you work in an agency, ask some of your colleagues or clients what kind of group might be appropriate for your environment. If you are not currently working, but attend church, ask other parishioners what kind of group might be useful for members of the congregation. If none of these apply, think about a group you would like to lead in the future and find scholarly sources citing the important or effectiveness of such groups.
Why is this group important?
Define your group in terms of being a task oriented, psycho-educational, counseling, or psychotherapy group.
Who are your ideal potential members?

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