Deliverables: A Final report including: Analysis of the organizational processes

A Final report including:
Analysis of the organizational processes as it relates to their Human Resources and the role of the HR department in the strategic decisions of the organization.
Assessment based on your learning of HR and best practices of the organization’s effectiveness in their HR practices in achieving their strategic goals.
The report should be 4-6 pages, 10-12 point font, single spaced. A cover page is not included in the page count, but is also expected to be included.
Project Explanation:
You are completing fifteen weeks of online discussions and activities in HRM. As a way to take learning outside of the classroom, you will be taking a look at and organization and applying what we’ve learned about the important roles and responsibilities HR plays within an organization.
For your final project, I am looking for you to research and analyze the HR organizational processes of an organization of your choice. You will be expected to contact an organization you are interested in to interview an HR team member(s) as a part of your analysis, as well as review any materials you can find on the organization’s website.
Key areas that must be evaluated (Worth 75 possible points)
Organizational Introduction-Industry of Business, Size of Organization, Demographics of Organization, Mission, Vision, Values.
HR Department Design (number of staff, staff responsibilities, roles, etc.)
HR Department’s Goals and Objectives.
Overall discussion of HR Activities in the organization as it relates to:
Human Resource Planning (how does HR address the organizations’ HR needs? Is facility Union/Non-Union).
Job Analysis (Job Descriptions, Job Design, Hours and Location of Work).
Recruitment and Retention of Employees in the Organization.
Global Role of HR (As it applies in the organization).
Organizational Onboarding and Employee Development (Training) processes.
HR Assurance Activities with Federal and State Laws/Regulations.
Policies and Procedures in the Organization (role in HR of creating them, key policies, hot topics as it relates to current policy/procedure trends).
Employee Health and Safety in the Organization.
Employee Performance Management (Appraisal process, Promotion processes, Disciplinary and termination processes).
Succession and Career Planning in Organization.
Employer Use of Technology in HR Practices and Processes.
Employee Motivation, Reward and Recognition Programs.
Employee Benefits and Compensation Planning.
Overall Assessment of Human Resource Processes in the Organization (Worth 30 possible points)
Is HR viewed as a Strategic Partner in the Organization
What Strengths does the Organization present in their HR Practices?
What recommendations do you have for the organization in their HR practices from what you learned? (Must have 3 recommendations)

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