“Demand Drivers for Fresh-cut Flowers and Their Substitutes: An Application of Household Expenditure Allocation Models.’

For this assignment, you are to write a brief expository narrative using a recent newspaper article
looking at the market for flowers. The assigned article by Stephanie Cain and published in The
New York Times is titled “Flower Industry Faces Multiple Challenges.” For the fourth paragraph
of your essay, you will also use information from Napaporn Girapunthong and Ronald W. Ward’s
essay titled “Demand Drivers for Fresh-cut Flowers and Their Substitutes: An Application of
Household Expenditure Allocation Models.’
In your writing, you are to assume that your
audience is other economics students, so you should make generous use of Supply and Demand
graphs in your essay.

This paper is not a research essay, so the above articles should be your primary sources.
However, you may choose to also reference (but don’t quote directly) your text or lecture notes
to improve your understanding of concepts as you write. It is important that you do your own
work: use vour own words and create vour own graphs to develop the essav.
Working with the writing centers or receiving help with grammatical aspects of the essay is
acceptable so long as this help is mechanical and does not involve content issues.

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