demonstrates how you understand, connect with, or experience tension around this session’s resources

For each session, you will read/watch (at least) 6 resources. 4 of those resources will be required resources that everyone resources (denoted by being bolded and asterisked below), and the remaining 2 resources can be selected from the other posted resources. If you would like to read all of the optional resources, please feel free to do so and these are certainly worth considering for your final paper. If you have read/watched all ten resources and would enjoy additional resources, please ask your teaching team member or the course instructor and we will happily provide these to you.

After completing the readings for the day, share a story from your own life that demonstrates how you understand, connect with, or experience tension around this session’s resources. This assignment reflects our commitment to balancing resources from the shelves (what has been published for others) and resources from our selves (our own experiences and understanding of our own lives). Elements of a story include context (when and where are you and who else is there), and drama (i.e. action, uncertainty, change, and feelings). Your story should comprise of 60-75% of your assignment.
The other 25-40% is explaining how your story connects with the shelf resources. For each reflection, you need to cite and connect to at least three assigned class readings (at least two required readings and at least one elective reading). Use our EDUC 251 APA guidelines (Links to an external site.) to include in-text citations and a reference list at the end of your document. As you cite your references, please consider: what specific aspects of the resources are you connecting with? How do these connections leave you feeling? What do these connections or tensions tell you about the broader world? Do NOT summarize the resources as we have already read/watched all of them. We are most interested in your story and how you are connecting it to our course content. If you don’t think that you have any stories to tell related to these resources, please share why you believe you don’t have any stories. Is it because your families, communities, or schools never talked about these topics? If so, why do you think that is? Is it because you have never thought about these topics in terms of diversity, equity, and social justice? What would it mean to begin developing stories that support you developing this understanding?
Reflections should be between 500 and 700 words total for each assignment and uploaded as a Microsoft Word document or PDF. (All UW students have access to Google docs through your UW email account. You can then download your Google doc as a Word document or PDF.) We require this so that our teaching team can offer you in-text feedback on each assignment. To view these comments after your assignments have been graded please click on the “View Feedback” button on Canvas.
*** Blanco, R. (2012). Making a man out of me. In J. Elledge & D. Groff (Eds.), Who’s yer daddy? Gay writers celebrate their mentors and forerunners. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press. (Links to an external site.)
Ehrmann, J. (2013). Be a man

. A Man: Joe Ehrmann at TEDxBaltimore 2013 (Links to an external site.)
Frye, M. (2000). Oppression. In A. Minas (Ed.) Gender basics: Feminist perspectives on omen and men (2nd edition) (pp. 10-16). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing.,%20Oppression.pdf (Links to an external site.)
*** Hamer, D. & Wilson, J. (2014). A Place in the Middle [Video file]. PBS Independent Lens. (Links to an external site.)
Khazan, O. (2014 December 10). How sexism stifles creativity. (Links to an external site.)
*** Kincaid, J. (1978, republished in 1993). Girl. In T.Wolfe (Ed.), The vintage book of contemporary American short stories (pp. 306-307). New York, NY: Vintage Books. (Links to an external site.)
*** Kivel, P. (2007). Men’s work – to stop male violence. (Links to an external site.)
Munro, E. (2014). Feminism: A fourth wave? Political Insight, 4(2), 22-25. Lilit, K. & Fink, M. (2017). Trans 101 – the basics. YGender & Minus 18. (Links to an external site.)
Petrow, S. (2014 October 27). Gender-neutral pronouns: When “”they”” doesn’t identify as either male or female. The Washington Post. (Links to an external site.)
Potential Story stem/Prompt:
What were the messages you received about your own gender identity or the gender identity placed on you? Keep a running journal and keep adding to it as thoughts emerge for you. Embrace what you didn’t know that you actually do know.

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