Demonstrates that you are intimately familiar with the film.

Use Google Docs for this assignment and attach it here.
Papers must adhere to the formatting guidelines provided at the end of the syllabus. The submission must consist of a complete title and a single developed paragraph that could serve as the beginning of an 8-10 page completed paper. The paragraph should have a clearly identifiable thesis and be focused on critical analysis of form and meaning. The paragraph should not be a summary of the film’s plot or simple description of formal technique. Each paragraph should make an interpretive claim along with details and context that provide a blueprint for the supporting evidence and analysis that would come in the rest of the paper should it be completed. Your thesis sentence must be underlined. No late papers or email submissions will be accepted for responses. You may choose from the assigned screenings that you have watched for the course. Response papers will be graded on a pass/fail basis using five criteria:
1.Title: A complete and engaging title identifies both topic and purpose.
2.Knowledge: Demonstrates that you are intimately familiar with the film.
3.Style and mechanics: Well-written and closely proofread.
4.Formatting: Follows all of the formatting guidelines and length requirements.
5.Interpretation: Makes a compelling argument that expands understanding.
1. Papers must be submitted as PDF documents. No other formats will be accepted.
2. Use Times New Roman font throughout, including name, title and endnotes.
3. Use 12-point font size throughout, including name, title, and endnotes.
4. Align your paragraphs to the left.
5. Do not center or justify your paragraphs.
6. Do not include a cover page.
7. The first page (and only the first page) must include the student’s name, course number/title, and date at the top left of the page in three single-spaced lines. 8. The paper title must be one double-space below the date in bold 12-point font, centered.
9. Your first body paragraph should begin one double-spaced line below the title and indented.
10. The entire body of the paper must be double-spaced with no additional spacing between paragraphs.
11. Do not use headings or subheadings on any paper that is under ten pages in length.
12. Indent the first line of each paragraph.
13. Use standard 1” margins throughout.
14. Use the most recent Chicago Manual of Style guidelines for citations. Chicago style requirements only apply to citations for this course. For all other formatting issues, use the professor’s guidelines. Do not default to using Chicago style guidelines you find online.
15. Use endnotes for citations (not footnotes or parenthetical citations).
16. Endnotes must be single-spaced.

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