Describe briefly what the research study is about and what its objective(s)/purpose(s) is/are.

DIRECTIONS: This is not an essay, this is a discussion post. Please write as you are responding to a discussion board post. I do not need cover page, etc.
Part I –
**(see attached study)**
Describe briefly what the research study is about and what its objective(s)/purpose(s) is/are.
Identify the theoretical/conceptual framework or theory used in your chosen research study.
You should be able to locate it and identify it by name, e.g., Pender’s Health Promotion Model.
By looking at your chosen research study and its objectives/purposes, discuss whether the theory/framework identified above was appropriate for the study. Why so OR why not? Provide sufficient rationale to support your view.
Part II – Provide one (1) example that an individual (as a researcher or a practicing nurse) could do to “protect and respect the rights of human subjects” within the context of nursing research and EBP. A minimum of one (1) cited reference is required for this part.
Ensure your posts are provided with sufficient information with cited source(s) and references using the correct APA format.

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